



Lack of trust is very often the showstopper on the way to the internet of things. lack of trust in the existing exchange platforms in exchanging data, information and knowledge. mostly cloud solutions. there is no trust in the cloud solutions.



The need for sensor information is increasing. you need intelligent algorithms to extract the right knowledge, based on the sensor data of mostly small and imprecise sensors. everybody wants to know the condition of machines, tools and assets.



The third challenge is computer ressources. more and more sensors increase the need of algorithmn and ultimately the need of cpu ressources. not having space, budget and energy to offer these resources close to every small independend sensor.

Our Idea

We provide knowledge by inter-connecting the participants of the internet of things via the trusted insight blockchain. machines, sensors, applications are part of our insight blockchain. trust in the blockchain concept allows inter-connection. the contracting of the insight blockchain enables payment of knowledge.

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Professionals with the relevant skills to match











OUR ECO SYSTEMThe ecosystem of the insight blockchain enables payment of knowledge.

Our Data Access Concept

Cloud Computing

Use Cases


Knowledge provider

Sharing computing to analyse data

Generating trust


Algorithm platform

Information Payment Via Tokens

Availability of resources

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Instead of a machine an application can also request a separate sensor.

In this case the 4 contracting parties are applications, sensors, algorithms and computers.

and the 3 contractings are application-sensor,
sensor-algorithm and algorithm-computer.

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